Study on the HIV/AIDS Situation in the Philippines

The major research question tackled in this study is the verification of the “real score” in the current HIV situation in the Philippines. To do this, the study examines what is currently known about the epidemic from various sources—scientific literature on HIV/AIDS, official data from the AIDS Registry, research findings from behavioral studies of known risk groups and focus group discussions with representatives of known risk groups, key informant interviews and secondary analysis of survey data.

The main objectives of the study are: (1) to verify the current HIV prevalence rate in comparison with behavioral data among groups with high risk behaviors; (2) to analyze vulnerability and risk factors present in the Philippines that could influence the pace of spread of HIV; (3) to identify gaps in the data collection and management of information; and (4) to recommend action to improve the information system and quality of data on the HIV/AIDS situation in the Philippines.



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